Food Service Program

The food service program consists of licensing, plan review, inspection, complaint investigation, and disease investigation of facilities serving food to the public.
Food Service Types Include:
A fixed establishment is a facility that is a permanent location. This is an operation where food or drink is prepared for direct consumption through service on the premises or elsewhere, and any other eating or drinking establishment or operation where food is served or provided for the public.
A mobile food service establishment means a food service establishment operating from a vehicle, trailer, or watercraft which is not fully equipped for full food service and, therefore, must return to a licensed commissary at least once every 24 hours for servicing and maintenance. The commissary license number must be recorded in the appropriate place in order for this application to be processed.
A vending machine location is a room, enclosure, space, or area where one or more vending machines are installed and operated. Where there are multiple vending machine locations in a building, each shall be licensed separately.
A special transitory food unit (STFU) is a temporary food establishment licensed to operate throughout the state without the 14-day limits or a mobile food establishment that is not required to return to a commissary.
A temporary food service establishment means a food service establishment, which operates at a fixed location for a temporary period of time not to exceed 2 weeks.

The following information is provided to assist current food establishments:
Plan Review
Plan Review is needed for any new food establishments, Mobile Units or STFUs or if you are remodeling an existing establishment.
The following information and forms are provided to assist with Plan Review:
Temporary Food License
Temporary food licenses are required for operations that serve potentially hazardous food to the public for 14 consecutive days or less. Applications must be submitted and an on-site inspection will be scheduled prior to the event.
Low-Risk Temporary Food License
Low-risk temporary food licenses are required for operations that are serving low-risk food to the public for 14 consecutive days or less. Applications must be submitted and an “in-office” consultation will be scheduled during regular business hours at least 1 week prior to event. The consultation with the Sanitarian and the designated person in charge could last 30 minutes or more. If it is determined that an on-site inspection is needed, then the fee is increased to the rate noted above and the license will not be issued until after the inspection.
Low-risk foods may include items such as: pre-cooked hot dogs, sausages or burgers, popcorn/kettle corn, nachos, pretzels, cotton candy, Sno Cones, Coffee, Hot Chocolate, prepackaged and bulk ice cream, frozen pizza, pizza prepared and sliced at a licensed kitchen, pancakes (just add water variety), frozen French fries (commercially processed) and coated or uncoated nuts.
The following information is provided to assist with temporary food events:
Food Service establishments, which include restaurants, vending machines, cafeterias, mobile units, temporary food service establishments, and special transitory food units are licensed through your local health department.
Call your local office for more information on food licensing:
Luce: (906) 293-5107, ext 303
Mackinac: (906) 643-1100, ext 210
Alger: (906) 387-2297, ext 401
Schoolcraft: (906) 341-6951, ext 110