Communicable Disease Weekly Reporting

The “Michigan School Building Weekly Report of Communicable Disease to Local Health Department” form is required by law to be completed and submitted to LMAS every week school is in session.
We ask that the report be faxed or emailed to LMAS on Monday mornings or late Friday afternoons, identifying suspected or confirmed cases of communicable diseases of your school population. This information allows LMAS to monitor flu-like illness, gastrointestinal illness and strep throat, which normally occur every year, and also helps us to recognize higher than normal disease levels, which could indicate possible outbreaks. Individual reports of serious communicable diseases like pertussis or mumps allow LMAS to alert those who may have been exposed to the disease, recommend vaccination and treatment as needed and provide information to the public.
Guidelines for form completion:
Section1: Please identify the week ending date, the school/preschool name, the district name, and the current enrollment for the school.
Section 2: We do not need specific names on this report. Instead, please just list the confirmed or suspected disease and the number of persons affected. (Should we have questions, we will call you).
Section 3: List the number of persons with suspected or confirmed cases of flu or flu-like illness, and/or head lice.
Section 4: Should there be no suspected or confirmed cases to report that week, please indicate by completing this section.
Section 5: Must be completed each week and must include a contact name, phone number, and the date submitted.
Fax a copy of the form to the appropriate fax number, shown on the right or you can email a copy of the form using the buttons on the right.
Certain serious communicable diseases including pertussis, mumps, meningitis and measles, and any unusual disease occurrences, outbreaks, or closures due to disease should be reported immediately to LMAS.
Fax the completed form to the attention of the clerk in your county or use the buttons below to email the form.
Luce - Sandy
(906) 293-5724
Mackinac - Tracci
(906) 643-0239
Alger - Babette
(906) 387-2224
Schoolcraft - Becky
(906) 341-5230