Influenza and Covid immunizations are currently available for any residents that are 6 months and older.
Newly formulated Moderna immunizations will be available, and offered to anyone who meets this age requirement. Most people will qualify for either 1-2 doses of the 2023-2024 formulation depending on age and current immunization status.
​ Influenza immunizations are recommended yearly and are also currently available for any residents 6 months and older.
High dose influenza immunizations will be available throughout our district and provided to anyone 65 and older.
COVID self tests are available at all LMAS locations. You will be able to drop off your samples Monday - Thursday 8 AM-4PM. After you take your sample, please leave it in our sample drop off box that is located in the lobby of each office. The self-collection kits with instructions will be on top of the collection box. Samples will be picked up daily and delivered to our lab in Newberry, you will have your results within 48 hours of sample collection.
The drop off boxes and supplies are located in the lobby by our front door in Newberry, St. Ignace and Munising. In Manistique it is located in the courthouse, next to the Health Department's door.